Yaro Broken Twill 33
CHF 34.00 – CHF 49.00
Yaro Sling’s philosophy behind Broken Twill 33
Promoting babywearing and making it accessible to all parents has been the basic concept behind the creation of Yaro Slings. Being parents and babywearers ourselves for nearly 11 years we have seen a lot of positive development on the babywearing market throughout these years. By being in the babywearing business and owning the Slingomama online store for nearly 10 years we have had the chance to have a close interaction and contact with other parents and babywearers as our customers. The price of a woven wrap was and still is an obstacle for many parents to start wearing their child ergonomically.
Yaro Slings has recently celebrated its 3rd year on the market and we are incredibly happy that we have reached our goal – a basic woven wrap for 29 EUR for size 6.
Broken Twill 33 is a 100% cotton wrap in ecru woven in the broken twill technique. This is a well known basic weaving technique which is suitable for an all around, simple woven wrap. The weight of the wrap (GSM) is around 240-250 gr/m2. Just like any other woven wrap it will need a good wash when in the loom state and a short breaking in period. This is an easy going wrap which is suitable for younger and older babies.
All Yaro wraps, including the Basic Line Broken Twill 33, are being produced within the European Union according to all the industry standards, requirements and labor regulations. All the steps of the production process – designing, weaving, cutting, sewing, packing – are performed within the EU.
All our yarns fulfill high quality standards that assure they are safe to use with babies and toddlers. The dyeing process of our yarns is according to Oeko-Tex standard and the dyeing of our organic yarns is GOTS certified.
We are often being asked how we manage to offer wraps with such great quality for such affordable prices. The answer is simple. We believe in ethical and ecological production and therefore we work on optimizing all our processes to the fullest. We try to work as much as possible with suppliers who use ecological, closed loop manufacturing processes, solar and wind energy in order to minimize the impact of the production process on the environment.
The Broken Twill 33 wrap is not created for our profit. We cut our own margins to extremes so we can offer a size 6 for 29 EUR but we hope with this that the price of a woven wrap will no longer be the main obstacle for new babywearers.
Together with you, our Yaro fans and customers, we strive to promote and facilitate ergonomic babywearing for all parents. Let’s spread love and babywearing!
Yaro ist eine junge niederländische Tuchmarke, die mit schönen Designs, guter Qualität und günstigen Preisen zu überzeugen weiss.
Dass die Macher von Yaro ihr Hadwerk beherrschen wird schnell klar, die Tücher werden nach kurzer Eintragephase zu wahren Tragelieblingen, sie sind auch für Bindeanfänger einfach zu bedienen. Das Festziehen geht fast von alleine, und während des Tragens bleibt das Tuch dort wo es sein soll.
Yaro Tücher gibt es in diversen Blends: Leinen, Hanf, Bambus und viele weiteren Mischgeweben. Aber auch die Repreve Faser, die ein Recycling Produkt ist wird häufig verwendet. Dieses Material ist nicht nur pflegeleicht sondern braucht kaum eingetragen zu werden, es ist von Anfang an schön weich und eingekuschelt. Leinen und Hanf brauchen etwas mehr Geduld, was sich aber absolut lohnt, sie sind bei schwereren Kindern und im Sommer angenehm zu tragen.
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